Evening Assembly – 30.06.2022

DATE :30/06/2022


Good afternoon school
Kindly get ready for the assembly. Kindly open your school diaries to page
no.56. and join us in singing the Hymn “He is my everything”.
Good afternoon, Respected Principal, Head mistress, Teachers and my dear
The theme for today’s assembly is ‘Integrity’.
The scripture portion will be read by–Zainab Mandsaurwala
A story will be narrated by- Zoyasavai

Velisha Jain will lead us in prayer followed by the lord’s prayer.
The pledge will be said by Ishita Sharma.
The Thought of the day will be given to us by—Sabhya Jain
The Scripture reading is taken from the book of proverbs chapter10
Whoever walks in integrity walks securely. but he who makes his ways
crooked will be found out.
This is the word of the Lord. Thanks be to God.
Kindly listen to the story carefully,
There was a boy who had a great collection of marbles and a girl who had a
collection of sweets. Each looked at what the other had and was envious.
So they agreed on an exchange: the boy decided to give the marbles, and
the girl decided to give the sweets.
The boy kept the biggest and particularly the attractive marble aside and
gave the rest to the girl. The girl gave him all her sweets as she had
That night, the girl went off to a pleasant sleep. But the boy couldn’t sleep
as he kept wondering if the girl had hidden some sweets from him the way
he had hidden his best marble.
Integrity is one of the most salient element in every relationship you have in
your life. Integrity is not just a behaviour, but away of life. If you are
experiencing any doubt, it is only because you know that deep down inside
yourself, you have never truly given that person all of WHO YOU ARE.!
Give your hundred percent to everything you do and Be honest and stay true
Let us pray
Join our hands and bow your heads for the prayer.
Gracious God, we want to be a person of integrity. We want all the pieces of
our life to fit together beautifully, according to your design. Help us, we pray,
to live each day with integrity. May we learn to trust you in every part of life,
including our daily work. When we trust you fully, Lord, then we will be able
to live a whole life.
We make this prayer in Jesus’s name.
Let us continue by saying the Lord’s Prayer together.
Kindly stand to attention for the Pledge and the National Anthem.
“Integrity is choosing your thoughts and actions based on values rather
than personal gain.”
Thank you and have a wonderful day

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